You Won’t Believe These Benefits of Yoga (Especially #4)

Most people connect yoga with flexibility, but there's more to the story. These four benefits of yoga might blow your mind (people with ADD will be happy to see #2).
benefits of yoga

4 Fabulous Benefits of Yoga

1. Yoga is a full body exercise that develops your strength, stability, and stamina.

2. Yoga requires total concentration. If you practice a lot, your attention span will skyrocket.

3. Yoga can help you be more coordinated (reduce the odds of tripping -- great news for clumsy people like me).

4. Yoga is considered a spiritual practice in the east. Distracted during prayer? Do yoga first. It will boost your focus.

Wow. All of that for an hour or two on the mat? Yep! Please share these benefits of yoga with your friends so they will be encouraged to stick with their yoga practice. 🙂

A new-and-improved edition of this blog appears in Do Yoga Every Damn Day. Click here to download your copy at in an instant.


One Response to “You Won’t Believe These Benefits of Yoga (Especially #4)”

  1. 12 Fun Facts about Yoga That Might Surprise You | The Wallen Way - Amazon Kindle Books, Online Health Coaching, and Private Yoga Lessons for the Tri-Cities Community Says:

    […] let's talk about some benefits of yoga that will might surprise you (#4 will make people with ADD breathe a sigh of […]

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